Fall 2020/1 - 3 Hours
GeoMath was offered only to geology majors as an alternative to Calculus II and does not fulfill an elective requirement for the minor. Geomath builds on your prior experience with algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and computing skills. For the most part, we employ math skills you already have and introduce new concepts that will be helpful in future geology classes, as well as calculus or other math classes.
I think of this as a 'numerical methods' course -- how can we use computers to make our lives easier and make sense of data! We review math basics, dimensional analysis, and then use Excel and Python to construction of mathematical budget, search for and manipulate data, plot in a variety of ways, and present our data meaningfully -- all of which are useful in other upper division geology classes and beyond.
​Geomath leans on Python and Google's CoLab for most analyses.
"Professor and TA were perfect in helping me learn python!" - 'Student' Fall 2020